Are you looking for your 1098T form? Do you have questions? Most questions are answered by reading this detailed information about the 1098T process. If you still have questions after reading this, please contact your school. When emailing, include your full name and student ID number.
Community College of 52³Ô¹Ï
52³Ô¹Ï State University
1098Ts are available after January 31st to students and parents who are authorized* by their students to view them. Students, former students and authorized users can access the current and recent year 1098T forms on the VSC bill payment site. 1098Ts are also available to current students in .
Viewing and Printing your 1098T
Make sure you have the most current version of Adobe Reader and that your pop-ups are not blocked. If you enable them during your visit, you will have to log out completely of your browser and back in to activate. If you are using a Mac computer, open by using Safari and enable pop-ups.
Former Students: Reset your password at . You will need your student ID#.
- Go to the VSC Bill Payment Site
- Log in using your VSC Portal ID and password**
- Consent to viewing documents electronically, if requested
- All available 1098T forms will appear under “Statements” on the home page
**Request your username or reset your password by following the “forgot” links on the . If your account is locked or you have other difficulties, please submit an .
Authorized users:
- Go to the VSC Bill Payment Site
- Log in with your email and password***
- Consent to viewing documents electronically to view the site, if requested
- All available 1098T forms will appear under “Statements” on the home page
***Your username is the email address your student used to set you up as an authorized user. If you need to reset your password, use the “forgot password” link on the after selecting Authorized Users.
If the form does not appear on the site, please contact your student and ask them to enable your access using the instructions below.
*For student to add or change an authorized user:
- Go to the VSC Bill Payment Site
- Log in using your VSC Portal ID and password**
- Under “My Profile Setup” select “Authorized Users“
- Edit a current authorized user or add a new one
- Select “Yes” to allowing this person to view your 1098T statement
Once added, authorized users will receive login information via email.
Payments are reported on 1098T forms for the 2024 year. You can view detailed charges and payments on the and a yearly summary is available by logging in to your using your Portal user ID and password.
PLEASE NOTE– 52³Ô¹Ï State Colleges must have your correct identifying number to file Form 1098T, Tuition Statement, with the IRS and to furnish a statement to you. This will be your Social Security number (SSN) or, if you are not eligible to obtain an SSN, your individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN). Form 1098T contains information about qualified tuition and related expenses to help determine whether you, or the person who can claim you as a dependent, may take either the tuition and fees deduction or claim an education credit to reduce Federal income tax. For more information, see IRS Pub. 970, Tax Benefits for Higher Education. To add, update or correct your SSN or ITIN number, please use the form W9s and mail, fax or drop off at your college.
Understanding your 1098T
- Room and meals are not considered qualified tuition costs. Included are tuition, student activity fee, facility fees and some course fees. Therefore, you will not find room & meal charges reflected on your 1098T’s.
- If box 1 and 5 are the same amount, a 1098T is not issued because there is no tax benefit or tax implications.
- The following will help you understand how box 1, 4, 5 and 6 on the 1098T is calculated for 2024 tax year. All net credits incurred in 2024 for prior individual years will go in only box 4 of the 2024 1098T form and no negative values in any 1098T boxes whatsoever. Excerpts below are taken directly from the IRS website*:
The VSC uses the Box 1 method** for reporting to the IRS.
Box 1. Payments Received for Qualified Tuition and Related Expenses**
Enter the total amount of payments received for qualified tuition and related expenses from all sources during the calendar year. The amount reported is the total amount of payments received less any reimbursements or refunds made during the calendar year that relate to the payments received for qualified tuition and related expenses during the same calendar year. The amount reported is not reduced by scholarships and grants reported in box 5. Include in this box the receipt of a payment of past-due qualified tuition or related expenses from a previous calendar year, but only if the educational institution previously billed the student for such amount(s).
- Box 1 only represents amounts paid, in a given calendar year, for QTRE and does not include payments made for room and board, insurance, health service fees, or parking which, though important, are not considered mandatory education expenses for tax purposes. Form 1098-T reports amounts that the student paid in a certain year, and the pay date does not necessarily correspond to the dates that the classes were attended. For example, tuition for the Spring semester is typically billed in the prior year so a student may have paid tuition for the Spring semester in November even though classes don’t start until January.
- The IRS Form 1098-T is issued, as required by the IRS, to provide information that may assist you in completing your individual tax return. The information listed on IRS Form 1098-T may be different than the amount you actually paid towards Qualified Tuition and Related Expenses (hereafter known as QTRE). We strongly recommend seeking professional assistance when claiming an education tax credit. Regardless of the information provided on the 1098-T, if you choose to claim an education tax credit, you should always keep documentation such as invoices and receipt of payment that supports any claimed tax credit even if you report only what is on IRS Form 1098-T.
Box 4. Adjustments Made for a Prior Year
- Payments received. Enter reimbursements or refunds of qualified tuition and related expenses made in 2024 that relate to payments received that were reported for any prior year after 2002.
- Amounts billed. Enter any reductions in charges made for qualified tuition and related expenses made during the calendar year that relate to amounts billed that were reported for any prior year after 2002.
Box 5. Scholarships or Grants
- Grant or scholarship administered in 2024 for any current and future terms
Box 6. Adjustments to Scholarships or Grants for a Prior Year
- Reduction in the current tax year for grant or scholarship administered in prior years
All the information we can or will provide you with is either on the 1098-T form or is included on this webpage. We are not allowed to discuss tax implications, how this form may relate to you, or give tax advice. Please consult your tax preparer with all questions related to this document. Some helpful links to the IRS at the bottom of this page may provide you with more information related to how form 1098-T may affect you. As we cannot provide tax advice or the implications of the IRS Form 1098-T, we will only be able to direct you or your tax preparer to this webpage to answer your questions.