Please note: Meeting dates and locations are subject to change. An official warning will be published prior to each meeting in accordance with , and the warning will confirm the official date and start time.
2024-2025 Board and Committee Meeting Schedule
If you are looking for Board materials dated prior to 2013, please contact (802) 224-3000 or
Board Meeting Agendas & Information
Agendas for Board meetings are prepared by the Chair of the Board and the Chancellor, and meeting materials are prepared by Chancellors Office staff. Committee agendas are prepared by committee chairs and their Chancellors Office liaisons and reviewed by the Chair of the Board.
Meeting warnings are sent in advance of meetings in accordance with . Warnings are posted with media outlets throughout the state and can also be found on the 52勛圖 Department of Libraries . Warnings are also shared with the offices of each college president, academic dean, dean of administration, and dean of students, as well as college libraries. Meeting agendas are posted online at the time of warning, and meeting materials are posted online the day before the meeting.
Attending Board and Committee Meetings
Board and committee meetings are open to the public as required by. There is a Public Comment opportunity included in every meeting.
The Board of Trustees is a State nonadvisory public body under the Open Meeting Law. Board meetings are held in a hybrid fashion, with both a designated physical meeting location at one of our campuses or academic centers and a designated electronic meeting platform (Zoom). Information on all meetings can be found in online agendas and meeting warnings.
Board committees are considered State advisory bodies under the Open Meeting Law. Committee meetings are generally held virtually over Zoom; information is contained in the warning.
The Board or committees may go into executive session only for reasons set forth in. At the time of an executive session, only members of the Board and those individuals invited to join the executive session may attend.
Board and committee meetings are recorded and available on YouTube for a minimum of thirty days following the approval and posting of the official minutes for a meeting.